Monday, May 9, 2011


The South experienced one of the worst droughts that we have ever seen this past summer.  Thankfully, we had experienced a lot of rain in 2010 during the growing season. Nearing the end of the producing cycle the drought became very hard on the plants.

There were terrible grass fires all up and down the highway we live on last year due to the drought.  There was a man traveling down the road with two flat tires on his trailer sparking fires as he drove down the road. We lost more than half of our plants and a lot of the irrigation tubing.  Since we had to replant and start over my husband investigated better planting methods. That is one of the reasons we decided to plant on hills using the Compact Mulch Layer implement. It will hold the water and reduce the weeds.
Thankfully, the drought is over May 2011, as the water is now at 47.7 cresting at more than 10 feet over flood stage for the Mississippi River in Memphis, TN.

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